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Understanding our stakeholder needs and expectations is a must for us to perform in the best possible way. Our main stakeholders are our shareholders, investors, customers, personnel, suppliers and partners, such as dealers. Other stakeholder groups include research and educational institutions, industry associations, local communities and the media. Our main stakeholders are identified based on both their potential influence on us and our potential impact on them. 

Kalmar upholds an open and transparent dialogue with its stakeholders by actively responding to information requests and by proactively providing information on its website, during meetings and exhibitions, in social media and through various forms of direct communication. Ongoing dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders enables us to identify opportunities to create value and provide input for setting sustainability targets. With transparent reporting stories, articles and other communication content in digital channels, we can increase awareness of the industry’s role in sustainable development, both internally and within key stakeholder groups. Kalmar also emphasises the importance of sustainable and innovative solutions in its marketing and communications content. Integrity, fairness, and compliance with stock exchange rules guide all our communications.


Stakeholder Examples of engagement Purpose and outcome of the engagement
  • Collecting customer feedback is a key element of the strategy
  • Maintaining an active dialogue with customers through direct meetings, marketing, extranet, newsletters, and social media
  • Product quality and safety

  • Development of low-emission, electric and sustainable solutions

  • Personnel and leadership development through collaboration and dialogue

  • Regular personal/group discussions between managers and their team members

  • Townhall and personnel meetings

  • Kalmar’s human resources information system for processing information

  • Intranet for improving collaboration and distributing information

  • Annual and monthly employee engagement surveys 

  • Annual target and performance discussions

  • Kalmar’s learning platform for training and collaboration

  • Good leadership, diversity and inclusion drive innovation and growth, as people feel safe to reveal their knowledge and talents
  • Externally certified safety management systems
  • LEAN-culture, where the ultimate goal is to create a culture of continuous improvement where everyone is involved in making things better, every day
  • Equal opportunities
Shareholders and investors
  • Financial communication and disclosure

  • Investor engagement

  • Processing and responding to investor requests

  • Events, meetings and roadshows

  • Social media

  • Creating shareholder value

  • Transparent communication

  • Efficient utilisation of information

  • Growing interest for sustainable solutions and the eco portfolio 

  • Ethical business practice

  • Supplier requirements

  • Supplier self-assessments, including dialogue around needed improvements

  • Audits

  • Site visits

  • Risk mitigation (human rights) 

  • Proactive operating model to access fossil free steel

  • Aligned sustainability targets with suppliers

Local communities
  • Active local stakeholder engagement and philanthropy at sites
  • Transparent communication
Research and education institutions
  • Participation in programmes that drive innovation and new product development through consortiums that include customers, industry peers, and universities
  • Joint research and development projects
  • Partnership, education and training co-operation
  • Press meetings in connection with, for example, trade events and result publications
  • Press releases
  • Aim of generating interest among investors, shareholders and other stakeholders
  • Building trust for long-term value creation.