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卡尔玛再次获得爱尔兰DFT码头五台 AutoRTG订单

2021 Trade press



卡尔玛与DFT码头(Dublin Ferryport Terminals)达成协议,在未来两年内提供五台全新AutoRTG(自动化轮胎式龙门吊)起重机,进一步拓展该码头的卡尔玛AutoRTG系统。首批设备计划于2022年第一季度完成交付。


DFT隶属于爱尔兰欧陆集团(Irish Continental Group)集装箱和码头事业部,负责运营都柏林港最先进的集装箱码头,年吞吐量大约40万标箱。该订单是DFT正在进行的投资计划的一部分,重点是确保为码头配备最新技术,支持未来的增长需求。


DFT集装箱码头总监Alec Colvin表示:“在我们的长期合作中,卡尔玛已证明了其在码头自动化技术方面的承诺和专业知识。因此,当需要进一步拓展都柏林港口的AutoRTG系统时,我们很自然地选择了卡尔玛。我们相信全新采购的AutoRTG将持续助力提升我们在爱尔兰运营码头的安全性及效率。”


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has concluded an agreement with Dublin Ferryport Terminals (DFT) to extend the Kalmar AutoRTG system at the terminal with five new AutoRTG cranes over the next 2 years, with the delivery of the first machines scheduled to be completed during Q1 of 2022.

Part of the container and terminal division of Irish Continental Group, DFT operates the most modern container terminal at Dublin Port, with an annual throughput of approximately 400,000 TEU. The order forms part of DFT's ongoing investment programme focused on ensuring the terminal is equipped with the latest technologies to support future growth.

The current Kalmar AutoRTG system at DFT comprises four Kalmar AutoRTG cranes with fully automated stack operation and remote-controlled truck handling, controlled via three remote control desks using the Kalmar One automation system. All service, maintenance and technical support is provided by Kalmar's dedicated on-site engineering team. The Kalmar solution provides DFT with industry-leading safety features. The solution’s access control system ensures that personnel cannot access the area where the cranes operate until it is safe.

The Kalmar AutoRTG application, powered by the Kalmar One automation system, allows terminal operators to automate their operations at their own pace based on predefined AutoRTG blueprints. Kalmar One offers highly developed traffic management and optimisation functions as part of its Fleet Management product family, and for example at DFT, the solution enables the customer to manage its container inventory capabilities.

Alec Colvin, Container Terminal Director at Dublin Ferryport Terminals: “Throughout our long-term partnership, Kalmar has proven their commitment and expertise in delivering terminal automation technologies, so it was only natural for us to turn to them when it came time to further extend our AutoRTG system at Dublin Port. We are confident that the new AutoRTGs will continue to support our efforts to improve terminal safety and efficiency across our operations in Ireland.”

Mikko Mononen, Vice President, Sales EMEIA, Kalmar: "We are delighted to continue our fruitful collaboration and automation journey together with DFT. Our AutoRTG system has proven a great success at the customer’s operations in Dublin and Belfast, and we are happy to keep on helping them automate and optimise their operations while maintaining the highest standards of safety. ”

Further information for the press:

Mikko Mononen, Vice President, Sales, EMEIA, Kalmar, tel. +358 40 536 0596, mikko.mononen@kalmarglobal.com

Maija Eklöf, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Kalmar, tel. +358 20 777 4096, maija.eklof@kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move. www.kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar is part of Cargotec. Cargotec's (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2020 totalled approximately EUR 3.3 billion and it employs around 11,500 people. www.cargotec.com