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2020 Trade press



卡尔玛与越南Tan Cang - Phu Huu 码头(TCPH)达成协议,为其提供2台卡尔玛零排放轮胎式龙门吊(RTG)。此项订单已录入卡哥特科2020年第三季度订单,计划于2021年第三季度完成交付。


Phu Huu码头隶属TCPH公司,TCPH是一家联合股份公司,主要股东为西贡新港公司(SNP)及边宜港有限公司。该码头位于胡志明市第九区的Phu Huu地区,作为卡莱码头的拓展分支发挥着重要作用。自1989年成立以来,SNP已发展成为越南最大的集装箱码头运营商。公司提供包括货物装卸、物流、船只营救、领航及多式联运在内的各类服务。SNP货物装卸车队涵盖卡尔玛RTG、正面吊、码头牵引车及空箱堆高机等一系列卡尔玛设备。


TCPH总监Nguyen Minh Hai先生表示:“20多年来,卡尔玛设备始终为SNP提供可靠的性能,本地服务团队UNICO VINA JSC能力可靠且专业热情,在RTG预防性及修复性维护方面经验丰富。对我们来说,减排降噪并达到先进的小车驾驶水平和更高的堆垛能力(堆6过1)至关重要,卡尔玛零排放RTG正是助力我们达成此目标的理想之选。”


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, is to supply Tan Cang - Phu Huu terminal (TCPH) with two Kalmar Zero Emission rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs). The order was booked in Cargotec’s 2020 Q3 order intake, with delivery scheduled for Q3 2021.


The Phu Huu terminal is operated by TCPH, a joint stock company with the main shareholders being Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) and Ben Nghe Port LLC. The terminal is located strategically in Phu Huu area, District 9, Ho Chi Minh City and plays a vital role as an extension arm of Cat Lai terminal. Since its establishment in 1989, SNP has grown to become Vietnam’s largest container terminal operator. The company provides a variety of services including cargo handling, logistics, salvage, piloting, and multi-modal transportation. SNP's cargo-handling fleet includes a wide variety of Kalmar equipment, including RTGs, reachstackers, terminal tractors and empty container handlers.


The fully electric Kalmar Zero Emission RTGs will help TCPH to cut costs and eliminate at-source emissions without compromising on productivity, reliability or flexibility. The new units will be used to expand the terminal’s capacity sharply.


Mr. Nguyen Minh Hai, TCPH’s Director: “Kalmar equipment has been delivering reliable performance for SNP for over two decades, backed by a competent and committed local services team UNICO VINA JSC that has extensive knowledge of RTG preventive and corrective maintenance. Cutting emissions and noise, while acquiring an advanced trolley drive and higher stacking capacity (1-over-6 high) is an important goal for us, and the Kalmar Zero Emission RTG is the ideal solution to help us achieve this goal.”


Daniel Ho, VP, Sales, APAC, Kalmar: “We are delighted to be able to continue our long-standing collaboration with SNP and their subsidiaries with this latest order. Over the years we have delivered a notable number of RTGs to this important customer and its affiliates, and now we are proud to help them improve the sustainability of their operations with our leading zero-emission crane technology.”


Further information for the press:

Daniel Ho, VP, Sales, APAC, Kalmar, daniel.ho@kalmarglobal.com

Maija Eklöf, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Kalmar, tel. +358 20 777 4096, maija.eklof@kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move. www.kalmarglobal.com


Kalmar is part of Cargotec. Cargotec's (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2019 totalled approximately EUR 3.7 billion and it employs around 12,000 people. www.cargotec.com