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卡尔玛将举办首届卡尔玛黑客节 “CargoHack”,推动码头运营数字化领域的革新

2016 Press





卡哥特科首席技术官 Soili Mäkinen表示:“卡哥特科的战略之一是成为全球领先的智能货物装卸供应商,不断完善软件、服务和数字化革新。我们的下一步就是打开技术研发中心的大门并举办首届黑客节。我们热忱欢迎国内外技术人才加入我们。”


更多详情,可访问www.cargohack.com 您也可以关注活动主题“cargotehack”,我们将在卡尔玛的Twitter, Facebook, LindedIn和微博主页上报道这次活动的盛况。


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, will organise its first hackathon "CargoHack", at its Technology and Competence Centre in Tampere, Finland on 8-10 April 2016. The event will be organised in collaboration with Tieto Corporation and supported by their well-thought-out hackathon concept "CXHack".

The event will bring together upcoming, brilliant and agile tech minds, supported by the Kalmar experts, to help solve some of the most challenging issues that terminals are facing today.

"The participating teams will be asked to help us "digitalise the terminal". We've devised a number of tasks to this end, covering areas like visualisation of terminal operations, use of mobile technologies, safety, and improving efficiency of the wider value chain around cargo handling," says Tommi Pettersson, Vice President, Automation at Kalmar.

"Increasing focus on digital innovation isn't just about making the most of new technologies - it's about changing our culture and working practices, and changing the way we co-create with our customers and other partners including software companies, start-ups and universities, too. We believe that through open innovation and co-creation the industry will be exposed to new ideas and thinking that can help the entire value chain around terminal operations on the road to automation and increased efficiency," he continues.

Soili Mäkinen, CIO at Cargotec said: "Cargotec is on a drive to become a world leader in intelligent cargo handling, increasing our focus on software, services and digital innovation. Now, as the next step in implementing our strategy, we're about to open the doors of our Technology and Competence Centre and have our first-ever hackathon. We are expecting to see a lot of interest both locally and globally."

Teams and individuals may submit their applications for attending the CargoHack event online at www.cargohack.com. Additional information on the event and the challenges, as well as results after the event, will be available at the same address.

First day of the event, Friday 8 April, is open for the press. Members of the press are asked to pre-register for the event by contacting Kalmar Communications at kalmar.communications@kalmarglobal.com

You can also follow the Kalmar CargoHack event on Twitter @kalmarglobal, Kalmar Facebook and LinkedIn page under the hashtag: #cargohack.


Further information for the press:

Tommi Pettersson, Vice President, Automation, Kalmar, tel. +358 40 755 6135

Maija Eklöf, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Kalmar, tel. +358 20 777 4096, maija.eklof@kalmarglobal.com


Kalmar offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move. www.kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar is part of Cargotec. Cargotec's (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2015 totalled approximately EUR 3.7 billion and it employs almost 11,000 people. www.cargotec.com