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卡尔玛交付DP World布里斯班港的全自动轨道式起重机安装成功

2016 Press



卡尔玛周一宣布,公司交付DP World布里斯班港的全自动轨道式起重机安装成功。这也代表着DP World布里斯班港全自动轨道式起重机(ASC)项目的第二阶段正式启动。


截至目前,卡尔玛已经向DP World布里斯班港交付了16台全自动轨道式起重机和16台配备Navis N4码头运营系统的穿梭机。新的两台ASC投入运营后,码头的集装箱服务模块增至8个,运营能力达到72万TEU,增加14%。


Kalmar, part of Cargotec, is pleased to announce the phase 2 of the DP World Brisbane Automatic Stacking Cranes (ASC) project has kicked off with a successful target delivery. 

The shipment carrying two new 9-wide ASCs arrived at DPW in project schedule and in perfect condition. The two ASCs were transported fully-erected from China to Australia and unloaded in Brisbane in July. This delivery completes Module 1 which is an addition to existing seven ASC modules.

"The arrival of the vessel carrying two fully-erected ASCs was really impressive. DP World and Kalmar staff alike were excited to watch as the vessel pulled into the port. Kalmar would like to congratulate and thank everyone involved," comments Jyri Saarijoki, Project Director, Kalmar. He continues "The successful shipment of fully-erected cranes from China to Australia with efficient delivery onto the terminal is an important milestone for Kalmar and validates the method as an efficient and proven concept."

The delivery of the two Kalmar ASCs marks the fourth successful fully erected ASC shipment from China to Australia. To date, Kalmar has provided DP World in Brisbane 16 Kalmar ASCs and 16 Kalmar shuttle carriers integrated with Navis N4 terminal operating system (TOS). The two new ASCs bring the number of modules servicing container trade to eight and increasing capacity by 14 percent to 720,000 TEU.


Further information for the press:

Timo Alho, Vice President, Intelligent Crane Solutions, Kalmar, +358 20 777 5024

Maija Eklöf, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Kalmar, tel. +358 20 777 4096, maija.eklof@kalmarglobal.com


Kalmar offers the widest range of cargo handling solutions and services to ports, terminals, distribution centres and to heavy industry. Kalmar is the industry forerunner in terminal automation and in energy efficient container handling, with one in four container movements around the globe being handled by a Kalmar solution. Through its extensive product portfolio, global service network and ability to enable a seamless integration of different terminal processes, Kalmar improves the efficiency of every move. www.kalmarglobal.com

Kalmar is part of Cargotec. Cargotec's (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) sales in 2015 totalled approximately EUR 3.7 billion and it employs over 11,000 people. www.cargotec.com